Wednesday, December 19, 2012


In conclusion, robots have many pros and cons. Some of the pros are that they can do amazing tasks that most humans are unable to do. Robots cannot be burned, they can’t break a bone, and they can’t die, permanently at least. They are cheaper for long term usage since they don’t require a pay check every week. They don’t have to worry about insurance or coverage. No money goes to healthcare or dentist appointments. They are getting more and more technologically advanced every year.
Unfortunately, they do have many cons. One of the main cons ones being unemployment for people. Many people are already struggling to put food on the table or pay the bills. The other people that are searching for jobs will never receive one if robots take over our work stations. I’m not saying that we should eliminate robots entirely, but we need to be careful what we use them for. We need to make sure that they don’t interfere with our work. We work hard for the money we earn. We don’t need a mechanical creature replacing us just because they are more cost effective. Another down side to robots is how much they start to begin with. The cost is very expensive to buy all of the equipment. Basic equipment costs enough, but if you want a more technologically advanced robot, then you are going to have to pay more money for that kind of advanced technology. Think about it, robots are made up of two parts; the technology equipment and metal. Metal is pretty cheap, but the cost plays a huge part in the development and making of robots.
In conclusion, if you have a lot of money and free time on your hands, robots might be a help and an interest to you. They cost a fortune, but can be very handy when it comes to hard work. As long as robots don’t replace humans, I think they could be very helpful to our society.

Resource Page-Tech Final

Resources Page:

Advantages of using robotics in manufacturing engineering

Engineering technology and robotics

Benefits of Robotics:

Sand Flea Robot:

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Discovery Page-Tech Final Project

Discovery Page

The first thing that I did not realize before doing this project is that people were still making robots. For some reason, I thought robots were only used for science fiction movies like Star Wars. I've never seen someone build or use one. Sometimes it seems like people keep things like this hidden. They don’t want to show them off to the world. It may be they want privacy or some other reason. I don’t know. I see robots all the time in movies. Of course, these robots are animated and not real. This gives me the impression that robots are not made, at least not anymore. Unlike what I originally thought, robots are being used for almost everything these days. They do run, talk, and even work. I am very surprised about this. I now realize that I was wrong and that robots have a large impact on the world today.

The second thing that I did not realize about robots is how high-tech they are. I always assumed robots just walked around and talked in voices that were very difficult to understand. I thought that robots were dumb and didn’t really know what they were doing. It is the total opposite. Robots are very technologically advanced. They are doing things that people could never imagine they could do. They are working jobs that usually people would do. They can run at incredible speeds and jump several feet in the air. They are very smart. Robots know how to get through different kinds of obstacles. Robots have many expensive robots inside of them controlling everything they do. These programs are very up to date and easy to upgrade, one of the things that makes robots so popular these days. I am very surprised that robots are this smart. They amaze me with the things they are able to do thanks to their programs inside of them.
The third and final thing that I did not realize before doing this technology project was the incredible things that they can do. Robots can do tasks some humans can’t even do. They don’t have to worry about getting burned, killed, or hurt like humans do because they are just a technology system walking around. They do jobs that are very dangerous. This could include very high temperatures of massive amounts of pressure. Some robots can run at incredible speeds. It’s amazing that something that is not even living could do something so amazing. People tend to underestimate what robots can and will do. They need to realize that robots can do more than some humans can. Robots can work for many hours at a time without taking breaks. Since they don’t have a human body, they don’t wear out as quickly or as easily. They can just be recharged in a matter of minutes and do another set of difficult work. These are the things that I did not know about robots before doing this project.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Technology Final Video and Picture Page

Picture and Video Page
 I chose this picture because it explains the parts of the robot. This picture provides quick and easy facts about robots for the reader to see. I love this picture because it has a great diagram that is very easy to understand. I selected this picture because I thought it would be a good picture to introduce robots. This is very detailed and interesting.
 This is a picture of a robot built by Boston Dynamics. This robot can climb up steep inclines with no trouble. This robot was built to look like the bottom part of a horse. This robot can jog at a speed of five miles per hour. Boston Dynamics has been critiquing and working on this particular robot for over two years. This robot is used for military purposes.

 This robot is a jumping one. This little robot can jump thirty feet in the air and survive the longest jumps. This particular robot only weighs five kilograms. This robot was also designed by Boston Dynamics. The robot is referred to as the Sand Flea. It can roll on its back two wheels and/or all four wheels. The Sand Flea can jump a total of twenty-five times before needing to be refueled.

This is a picture of a cheetah robot. This specially designed robot was created by Boston Dynamics. This one of a kind robot can run speeds up to twenty-eight miles per hour. This robot’s back is articulated. It bends back in forth, making each step fast. For now, this cheetah runs on a treadmill. Boston Dynamics hopes to have their special cheetah robot running on fields.

This is video of the running cheetah robot. Boston Dynamics made this incredible creature. I found this video on YouTube. This video has 4,388,084 views and almost 7,000 comments. I think that this is an amazing creation. I never realized the amount of things that robots can do. This is very impressive. However, some people argue that the  money could be better spent elsewhere.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Benefits of Combining Technology with Robotics-Technology Semester Final

Web Quest Fall Semester Project-9th Grade

By: Rachel Knight

            There are many benefits to combining technology with robotics. Technology is used in just about everything these days. Robots are becoming more advanced than ever, doing things people never imagined they could ever do. One of the benefits of robots is the money that people save in the long run. At first, building a robot is very expensive. Robotics engineers need to purchase lots of different pieces of equipment so that their robot functions in the manner of which the engineer choses. The prices of technology are rising and it is getting more and more expensive to build and develop robots that are combined with technology. However, in the long run, it is cheaper to build a robot to do a job rather that to hire a person. You don’t have to pay robots every hour, or at all. They can work hour after hour without sitting down or taking a break. They don’t need a lunch break, since they can’t eat, which saves time and money. Robots were originally created to reduce the need for human work, replacing them with these technologically advanced robots. Another benefit of combining technology with robots is upgrades. You can easily upgrade a robot by replacing it with a more advanced program. It reduces the stress for CEO of the company. They don’t have to worry about replacing people and upsetting them. All they have to do is technologically upgrade the robots to whatever level they wish. This process is easier on the people and leaders of a company as well as cheaper.

          Another benefit is safety. Robots are so advanced with today’s technology; they can do almost anything without getting hurt. They can lift an enormous amount of weight. And they can also work in hazardous environments without getting burnt, inhaling bad chemicals, or breaking a bone. By using robots in our work systems, we are helping ourselves. We don’t have to worry about doing jobs that are too dangerous because we have robots that can do them for us. Hopefully, this paper will inform and interest you in the fact that it is a good thing to combine robotics with technology.




Here are some pictures of today’s technologically advanced robots:


Advantages of using robotics in manufacturing engineering



Benefits of Robotics: