Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Technology Final Video and Picture Page

Picture and Video Page
 I chose this picture because it explains the parts of the robot. This picture provides quick and easy facts about robots for the reader to see. I love this picture because it has a great diagram that is very easy to understand. I selected this picture because I thought it would be a good picture to introduce robots. This is very detailed and interesting.
 This is a picture of a robot built by Boston Dynamics. This robot can climb up steep inclines with no trouble. This robot was built to look like the bottom part of a horse. This robot can jog at a speed of five miles per hour. Boston Dynamics has been critiquing and working on this particular robot for over two years. This robot is used for military purposes.

 This robot is a jumping one. This little robot can jump thirty feet in the air and survive the longest jumps. This particular robot only weighs five kilograms. This robot was also designed by Boston Dynamics. The robot is referred to as the Sand Flea. It can roll on its back two wheels and/or all four wheels. The Sand Flea can jump a total of twenty-five times before needing to be refueled.

This is a picture of a cheetah robot. This specially designed robot was created by Boston Dynamics. This one of a kind robot can run speeds up to twenty-eight miles per hour. This robot’s back is articulated. It bends back in forth, making each step fast. For now, this cheetah runs on a treadmill. Boston Dynamics hopes to have their special cheetah robot running on fields.

This is video of the running cheetah robot. Boston Dynamics made this incredible creature. I found this video on YouTube. This video has 4,388,084 views and almost 7,000 comments. I think that this is an amazing creation. I never realized the amount of things that robots can do. This is very impressive. However, some people argue that the  money could be better spent elsewhere.

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